
fluid particle simulation

this one was unecessarily hard for me. while making this, i was at about the 7 minute mark (or less) of the tutorial and i could not get it to do anything at all; all my particles just dispersed and went nowhere. however, i realized that my feedback reset button did not work for some reason, and even when i tried to bind it to my keyboard it would not reset the network, therefore i had to turn the reset pulse on then off in order to make it reset my program. it did work in the end though, with very surprising results as it ended up working quite well. it took a lot of trust in the process, since for a good chunk of it i had no idea why we were including certain operations and such, but it all added up quite well. the actual program could actually render extremely efficiently, with 60 fps outputs being doable, but imgur had a file size limit which meant i had to scale it down to 30 fps and make the fluids run at a higher speed which might have made it look unrealistic, but still cool nonetheless. i followed this tutorial, and i realized this guy has some crazy looking videos that i want to try out to expect to see more posts inspired by his videos.
